Monday, November 5, 2012

1999 Chaos Space Marine list

This is the list I am currently working on building. I think it has a good amount of Anti-flyer yet still has alot of shooting to deal with hordes. A nice combat element with the lord and Sorcerer protected by the bike squad to get places quickly. I think it is a fairly balanced list and not over the top in any one direction

HQ Chaos Lord on Juggernaut, Mark of Khorne, Axe of Blind Fury, Sigil of Corruption, Warlord 170

HQ Sorcerer, Level 3, Spell Familiar, Chaos Bike, The Black Mace 190

Troop 10 Cultists with a flamer 55

Troop 10 Cultists with heavy stubber, 8 with autoguns, Champion with shotgun 65

Troop 15 Chaos Marines with Combat weapons, Pistol and Bolter, Autocannon, Plasmagun, Icon of Vengeance, Champion with Power Sword. 313

Heldrake with Hades Autocannon 170

Heldrake with Hades Autocannon 170

5 Chaos bikes, 2 meltaguns, Champion with Powerfist 155

HS Forgefiend, 3 Ectoplasma Cannons 200

HS 7 Havocs 4 Missile Launchers with Flak 201

Elite 10 Noise Marines, 1 Blast Master, 5 Sonic Blasters 225

Aegis Defense line with Icarius Lascannon 85

Total 1999

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tau with Deamon Allies Vs. Draigowing with Marine Allies

Here is the list I am currently playtesting

Tau Commander - Fusion Blaster, Missle Pod, Iridium Armour, Stimulant Injector, Black Sun Filter, Multi Tracker, 2 Gun drones
2 Bodyguards - Plasma, Missle Pod, Targetting Array, Multi Tracker

12 Firewarriors - Black Sun filter
12 Firewarriors - Black Sun filter
20 Kroot

Hammerhead - Railgun, Gun drones, Black Sun filter, Disruption Pods,
3 Broadsides- Black Sun filter, 2 Shield drones

Bloodthirster - Unholy Might, Death Strike

10 Bloodletters - Fury of Khorne, Chaos Icon

Deamon Prince - Mark of Tzeentch, Demonic Flight, Unholy Might, Ironhide, Master of Sorcery, Bolt of Tzeentch, Boon of Mutation, Breath of Chaos

My Opponents List best I can remember.

5 Paladins - 2 Psycannons not sure what his combat weapons were.

10 man Strike Squad - 2 Psycannons

Landraider Crusader

Vindicare Assasin


5 Scouts

5 Terminators all TH SS

Landraider - Extra Armour

We rolled the Scourging for Mission and the Angled Deployment.

I won roll and let him deploy first.

He put his 2 Landraiders right in center as close to line as he could using a big building to give them cover. He infiltrated the Vindicare into the same building. He kept Strike squad in reserve to deep strike and forgot about his scouts.

I deployed Broadsides in a ruin back in the corner of my deployment zone with the Commander and his squad behind the same ruin. Hammerhead was set all the way back in deepest part of my corner. 1 Firewarrior squad was deployed along center of my deployment edge in between 2 objectives to try and take whichever ended up being worth more. Kroot I infiltrated behind a building back in corner of his deployment zone behind a building to run for objective in back corner of his zone. Had one firewarrior squad in reserve

First turn he ran both Landraiders up and took some shots at Broadsides and killed both drones. Vindicare failed to wound.

My first turn Deep struck Bloodthirster and Deamon Prince over by his Landraiders where he would need a 10 on charge roll to reach me. both scattered but away from him so worked out ok for me.  Jumped commanders squad out and put one wound on vindicare. Broadsides took one hull point off Lysanders Landraider. Commander unit jumped back behind building.

Turn 2 He immobilised Lysanders Landraider on a hill. Draigos Landraider ran up another 12 in. His strike squad deep struck right in front of my Broadsides. He shot everything at the broadsides and managed to only kill one.

Bloodletters came on but other firewarrior squad did not. Bloodletters mishap and end up back in reserve. Bloodthirster Vector Strikes over the wounded and immobile Landraider. I got the maximum 4 hits and proceeded to roll 3 6s to glance it to death. It was already immobile so was not as big as could have been but was still made guys have to get out. After he got Lysander and squad out I flew Deamon Prince up near them. I moved Firewarriors and Commanders unit in position to shoot Strike Squad. Deamon prince managed to managed to put one wound on Lysander with Breath of Chaos and Bolt of Tzeentch. Broadsides took a Hull point and Stunned Draigos Landraider. Shot everything else at Strike squad and reduced it to one Psycannon guy. Kroot were slowly sneaking toward objective in his sode which was only worth 1 VP.

Turn 3 He passes Fortitiude on Landraider. He moves it up 6 in and deploys Draigo and Paladins out. Lysander and his squad move forward. He ran Lysanders unit. He then shot Paladins and Last Psycannon from Strikes at Firewarriors. He killed 9 leaving 3 who passed their LD test. Landraider and Vindicare picked of another Broadside.

Bloodletters deep strike right in front of Paladins to be a speed bump. Other Firewarrior squad walks on near Lysanders squad to shoot them. Bloodthirster and Deamon Prince also jump near Lysander. Commander unit also moves to shoot Lysander. When smoke Cleared all that was left was Lysander with 2 wounds left.

Turn 4 He tankshocks Bloodletters who just move out of way. Draigo and Paladins stay still and shoot at Commanders unit killing both gun drones. Vindicare shoots Bloodthirster he hits but fails to wound. I feiled grounded test and crashed to the ground right next to Lysander. He charges me with Lysander. I do 3 wounds and he fails 2 saves and Lysander dies. We call the game at this point as he realisticlly has no chance to win the mission.

Dice were really lucky for me and really bad for him so was not a great test of my list but I did like the way it seemed to play.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Tweaks to my Thunderwolf List

HQ - Lord on T-Wolf, T-Hammer, Storm Shield, Saga of the Bear, Runic Armour, Wolf Talisman, Wolf Tooth Necklace = 275

HQ - Lord on T-Wolf, Frost Weapon, Storm Shield, Saga of Warrior Born, Runic Armour, Wolf Tooth Necklace = 265

HQ - Rune Priest, Living Lightning, Jaws of the World Wolf = 100

Elite - Wolf Scouts x5, 2 Power Weapons, Meltagun, Meltabombs = 140

Elite - Wolf Guard, 3x Power fist & Bolt Pistol, 1x Termie Storm Shield Chainfist, 1x Termie Storm Shield Chainfist Cyclone Missle Launcher = 270 Drop one Termie for Power Armour with Frost weapon Bolt pistol, Cyclone Termie drop Chainfist and Storm Shield = 215

Troop - 9x Grey Hunters, Meltagun, Rhino = 175 Drop Meltagun for Flamer =170

Troop - 9x Grey Hunters, Meltagun, Rhino = 175

Troop - 8x Grey Hunters, Plasma Gun, Rhino = 165

Fast Attack - 3x Thunderwolves, 3x Storm shield, Wolf Claw, Meltabomb =  265 Drop Wolf Claw for Frost Weapon and add a 4th Thunderwolf with Mark of Wulfen but no Storm shield = 325

Heavy Support - 6x Long Fangs, 3x Missle Launcher, 2x Lascannon =  170

This way Frost Weapon can run with Scouts and the Cyclone goes with Long Fangs so the Chainfist Stormshield were kind of a waste on him and it gave me the points to add the 4th Thunderwolf.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Possible Thunderwolves List

HQ - Lord on T-Wolf, T-Hammer, Storm Shield, Saga of the Bear, Runic Armour, Wolf Talisman, Wolf Tooth Necklace = 275

HQ - Lord on T-Wolf, Frost Weapon, Storm Shield, Saga of Warrior Born, Runic Armour, Wolf Tooth Necklace = 265

HQ - Rune Priest, Living Lightning, Jaws of the World Wolf = 100

Elite - Wolf Scouts x5, 2 Power Weapons, Meltagun, Meltabombs = 140

Elite - Wolf Guard, 3x Power fist & Bolt Pistol, 1x Termie Storm Shield Chainfist, 1x Termie Storm Shield Chainfist Cyclone Missle Launcher = 270

Troop - 9x Grey Hunters, Meltagun, Rhino = 175

Troop - 9x Grey Hunters, Meltagun, Rhino = 175

Troop - 8x Grey Hunters, Plasma Gun, Rhino = 165

Fast Attack - 3x Thunderwolves, 3x Storm shield, Wolf Claw, Meltabomb =  265

Heavy Support - 6x Long Fangs, 3x Missle Launcher, 2x Lascannon =  170

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Anthem 40k RTT

Went to local tournament with a good friend of mine this weekend. I brought the new list I have been playing and my friend brought his Reserve Tyranid army which can be found on his blog (
We ended up having to play each other round one and I barely manage to win thanks to some lucky dice and the game going to turn 7. Second round played a Space Wolves list which I beat fairly easily. Ended up on top table against another Grey Knights army and managed to pull out a win in close game. We both only had two models left at the end. The deciding factor was that my two models were scoring and his were not. So ended up taking first while Steve came back for third with his Tyranids. So was a very good day and had alot of fun

Friday, February 3, 2012

1850 GK vs Orks

I brought my new outflanking list but to get down to 1850 dropped one strike squad. gave me 40 points to play with so put extra man in other strike squad and gave them dozer blade then spread some MC around Paladins.
I ended up with 25 models.

Ork player had

30 Shoota Boys with Nob w/ P Claw and 3 rokkits
30 Shoota Boys with Nob w/ P Claw and 3 rokkits
30 Shoota Boys with Nob w/ P Claw and 3 rokkits
30 Shoota Boys with Nob w/ P Claw and 3 rokkits
28 Grots 2 Runtherders
12 Lootas
12 Lootas
12 Lootas
Big Mek Custom Force Field
Big Mek Custom Force Field

188 Models against my 25.

Played Beakycon mission and ended up with 4 Seize Ground Objectives and Spearhead.

Table had one big ruin in each table quarter and one in center with couple craters and small ruins scattered around.
Objectives ended up with two on far side from me near table edges right next to buildings in the two table quarters on that side. Other two ended up kind centered in middle of table.

I won roll and made him go first.
He chose one of the zones with objective next to a Building. He put two loota squads in that building one on bottom level and other one taking up top two. Put other Lootas in small ruin next to that building. Put all Boy squads around that building with a Grot screen in front of them.

I rolled Grand Strategy and got 3 units. Gave Combat Dread, Strike Squad, and Terminators Scout and outflanked them. Chose to deepstrike the Paladins with the two characters. Psyfleman Dread I started on table near short table edge so was out of loota range.

Turn 1
Two loota squads moved toward me one on top levels stayed still. Boys and Grots moved toward me and ran.

 Shot my Dread at the Grots and killed one after he rolled 3 6s for cover saves.

Turn 2

Moved Boys and Grots toward me again. Lootas had 4 in Range in both squads that had moved forward and  3 rokkits in range from front boys squad. All he manged to do out of all that was Stun the Dread.

Terminators and strike squad came in. Terminators rolled 1 for outflank so came in on my side while stike squad got a 5 but put them on my side as well since would not have lasted on other side. Moved both 6 in. on but would be out of loota range. Failed Fortitude on Dread with an 11. Terminators were just out of range to shoot  front boys. Razorback shot Lascannon and killed a Grot.

Turn 3
2 Boys squads kept coming toward me and popped servo skull as other two and gretchin moved toward center of table. 1 Loota squad moved forward and got rid of the other servo skull and ran to occupy a crater. Other squad shot and blew arm off of Dread and shook it. Other boys shot Terminators and killed a Halberd.

Paladins showed up but dread did not. With no servo skulls left could not be as aggressive but dropped them over by his two boys squads and the lootas in crater. Terminators inched up like 2 inches and shot front boys killing 11 between Dread and Lascannon killed 2 more. Paladins scattered so three were in ruin but passed terrain checks. They then killed 6 of the lootas in crater but they passed check and stayed.

Turn 4
2 Boys squads and Gretchin moved toward Paladins. Other 2 Boys squads moved toward Terminators. Weakened boys squad shot termies and did nothing. 2 Boys squads, Grots, 6 man lootas and one full loota squad shot Paladins and thanks to feel no pain only took 2 wounds.Last boy squad shot Rokkits at Dread but did nothing. Failed to charge Paladins thanks to Sanctuary.

Combat Dread finally came in rolled a 4 and came in right behind the lootas in big building. He shot and killed 3 with Assault cannon. Paladins moved up and Orks had bunched together to get between terrain to try and assault and when they failed were in tight mob. Between Holocaust, Incinerator, Warp Rift and the Squad shooting killed all 30 Orks. Terminators Killed another 9 Boys in the weakened squad and Dread popped two. Las Cannon killed one loota. Boy squad broke and ran.

Turn 5
Boys squad ran off table. 2 remaining boys squads moved toward objectives as did the Grots. One Loota squad blew up Razorback and other two targeted Dreads doing nothing. Boys shot at Paladins finishing one off. At this point opponent Called game as next turn Termies were gonna be in assault with One boy squad Paladins were set up to combo Charge Grots and small Loota squad and Combat dread was gonna reach the loota squad he had shot. which would have left him one Loota squad and One boy squad againt my Army which had so far only suffered 3 Casualties.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Working on new Grey Knight list.

Am bored with my current Grey Knight list which I have posted on previous posts. Took a 17 model list to an 1850 pt tournament last weekend. It hit really hard but just ran into two Nid armies and a DE army just did not have the numbers to deal with it. Had about a 7 to 1 kill ratio in the games but just was not enough units to rfeact to everything.

Play this list against a friend the other night

Librarian - Warding Stave, Might of Titan, Quciksilver, Sanctuary, Shrouding, Summoning, Warp Rift
Xenos Inquisitor - Rad and Psykotroke grenades, Psyker, Force Weapon, Power Armour, Hammerhand

Techpriest - Warding stave, Rad and Psykotroke Grenades
Henchman - 11 Death Cult assasins, 1 Mystic, Razorback, Twin-linked Las, Searchlight

10 man Terminator squad - Banner Psycannon, 2 Hammers, 3 Swords, 4 Halberds, Psybolt
6 man Strike squad - Psycannon, 4 swords, Razorback, Twin-linked Las, Searchlight

Land Raider Crusader, Multi-melta, searchlight
2x Dreadnought -Psybolt double Autocannon.

Did not play nearly as well as I would have liked. In both games I played could not kill his Stormravens. And he got to pick his charges which against another Grey Knight player usually proves to decide the game.

Last night tried a list that played well but was against a Nid army so need to try it against some other lists.

here it is

Grand Master -  MC Warding stave, Rad and Psykotroke grenades, Incinerator
Librarian - Warding Staves, Might of  Titan, Quicksilver, Sanctuary, Shrouding, Warp Rift, 2 Servo Skulls

6 Paladins- Apothecary, Banner Psycannon, Hammer, MC Sword, Force Halberd, Sword

8 Terminators - Banner Psycannon, 2 Hammers, 3 Halberds, 2 Swords
2x 5 Man Strike squad - Psycannon, 4 swords, Razorback, twin-linked las, searchlight

Dreadnought - double autocannon, Psybolt ammo, Searchlight
Dreadnought - Assault Cannon, Doomfist, Heavy Flamer, Psyflame ammo, Psybolt Ammo.

I outflanked the Combat Dread and the Termies and deep struck the Paladins with both Characters. Worked very well but need some more testing before am really sure about it.