Monday, April 2, 2012

Tweaks to my Thunderwolf List

HQ - Lord on T-Wolf, T-Hammer, Storm Shield, Saga of the Bear, Runic Armour, Wolf Talisman, Wolf Tooth Necklace = 275

HQ - Lord on T-Wolf, Frost Weapon, Storm Shield, Saga of Warrior Born, Runic Armour, Wolf Tooth Necklace = 265

HQ - Rune Priest, Living Lightning, Jaws of the World Wolf = 100

Elite - Wolf Scouts x5, 2 Power Weapons, Meltagun, Meltabombs = 140

Elite - Wolf Guard, 3x Power fist & Bolt Pistol, 1x Termie Storm Shield Chainfist, 1x Termie Storm Shield Chainfist Cyclone Missle Launcher = 270 Drop one Termie for Power Armour with Frost weapon Bolt pistol, Cyclone Termie drop Chainfist and Storm Shield = 215

Troop - 9x Grey Hunters, Meltagun, Rhino = 175 Drop Meltagun for Flamer =170

Troop - 9x Grey Hunters, Meltagun, Rhino = 175

Troop - 8x Grey Hunters, Plasma Gun, Rhino = 165

Fast Attack - 3x Thunderwolves, 3x Storm shield, Wolf Claw, Meltabomb =  265 Drop Wolf Claw for Frost Weapon and add a 4th Thunderwolf with Mark of Wulfen but no Storm shield = 325

Heavy Support - 6x Long Fangs, 3x Missle Launcher, 2x Lascannon =  170

This way Frost Weapon can run with Scouts and the Cyclone goes with Long Fangs so the Chainfist Stormshield were kind of a waste on him and it gave me the points to add the 4th Thunderwolf.